Isolite System (Less Time & More Comfort)

Isolite System for Increased Efficiency and Comfort in High Tech Allen Dental Center

The Isolite System is a small invention that can make a big difference in your comfort during dental appointments. It allows you to rest your jaw during treatment, relieving the fatigue that can be felt when trying to keep your mouth open wide. The Isolite promotes efficiency, as well, with its light for illuminated, shadowless procedures that consequently take less time than if we had to pause and reposition our light. Furthermore, the Isolite system consists of a vacuum-like attachment that not only increases your comfort by effectively suctioning out all the water and saliva, but it also helps to improve the quality of our dental work by keeping the teeth very dry and free from contamination. We have invested in this technology because we believe going above and beyond the norm for our patients is the best way to help them feel comfortable and valued as part of our practice family.

Advanced Dental Technology

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